Monday, February 15, 2010

Thumbnail Sketches

Book Designs

This is an example of a bad layout for a book cover. The design is simply too boring and lacks variety.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


  1. Why is value relative?

    Because it helps give a visual interpretation of the weight of an object based on its color and it's contrast between it and the surface.

  2. Why might high contrast be especially important to commercial artists?

    It tends to increase clarity and improve readability.

  3. How can value help create an illusion of volume, space and depth?

    Darker values usually mean that something is closer to you as opposed to when it's lighter, then it is moving away from you and going deep into space.

  4. How many different devices are there to show depth? Name them.

    Linear perspective, overlap, size variation, definition

  5. In order to understand linear perspective, what must be present?

    A picture plane that allows you to find horizon lines and different vanishing points to create a drawing that is in perspective.

  6. What is the difference between one-point perspective and two-point perspective?

    One point occurs when the lines receding into space appear to converge at a single point on the eye level. Two point is used when the lines converge at two vanishing points on the eye level.

  7. What kind of linear perspective is closest to what you see in photography? Why?

    3 point because it is a more realistic view of our perspective in the real world. In photographs, one point or two point seems more likely.

  8. When would it be appropriate to use depth in composition? When should it be avoided?

    When your trying to create an illusion of space in your composition. It should be avoided when your creating something in 1 point perspective.


  1. What kind of lines can communicate motion? Stability? Energy?

    Swelling, shrinking, diagonal, and curved lines imply motion. Horizontal lines suggest stability while Calligraphic lines add energy to a drawing or design.

  2. Why are human beings able to see "implied" lines?

    Humans have the natural inclination to seek visual unity. Our brains try to put together pieces of the drawing together.

  3. How might a graphic designer use lines differently than a fine artist?

    Fine artists use a variance of lines to show the illusion of depth and space while a graphic designer may use lines to convey a message.

  4. How is visual rhythm different than musical rhythm?

    Musical rhythm uses sound while visual rhythm uses space, direction, patterns, repetition, and color.

  5. What must be present for rhythm to exist?


Monday, February 1, 2010


  1. How is visual weight different than physical weight?

    Visual weight refers to the relative importance of a visual element within a design.

  2. What happens to objects when they get close to the edges of a composition?

    They start to lose value as they move away towards the edges of a composition.

  3. Why are human beings more comfortable with balanced compositions?

    We like to see symetry throughout a composition.

  4. What happens when there is imbalance?

    most times it can turn out bad but there are times when imbalance is necessary.

  5. Is there a place for purposeful imbalance? Give some examples.

    Yes. It gives the viewer a different more abstract perspective of an environment. Sometimes a chaotic theme calls for imbalance just like the image in the book "Barbeque".

  6. Why is symmetrical balance so popular in architecture?

    Because of structual purposes. You don't want a building looking like it's about to fall over.

  7. Can different types of balance be used in a single composition?


  8. How many ways are there to achieve asymmetrical balance? Name them.

    There are 3. Quite stable, very dynamic, nearly chaotic
  9. Is radial balance always symmetrical? Why or why not?

    No not necessarily. the image may have different sides to them which would not create symetry.